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Monday, August 8, 2011

Resurrection of the Flying Unicorn!

Wow! Has it been four years since I posted to the Flying Unicorn???
Actually, I had completely forgotten about my little blog. Life took over and all that.
Actually, what happened was I began researching economics, and that is what took over.
What has happened in the last four years? It is kind of a long story. The Australian Government changed their laws regarding social security payments, basically forcing single parents off the pension when their youngest child turned six. At the time my youngest child was four and I realised that in just two years my income stream would be cut off which meant that I would have to find another source of income. I began researching and in the process of my reading I came across Robert Prechter and the Elliot Wave Theory. I realised that the world was in dire trouble economically. I had a 100% leveraged mortgage that I was not paying off and that I was going to be in big trouble financially unless I sold my home and released the capital appreciation and paid off the mortgage and bought a house outright. All of which I did.
I kept reading, invested in CFDs for a while and got burnt big time doing that. I bought an apartment just before the GFC which lost $100,000 worth of value in 12 months. I discovered Clif High and the Webbots, Gerald Celente and George Ure at

And thus my education continued...

I got to thinking that I really must start blogging again, but didn't know where to begin. I began talking to my friends and family about the coming collapse and earth first they thought that I was crazy. That is, until stuff started happening, like the GOM oil spill, the shutdown of the Gulf Stream, the Icelandic eruptions. I felt as if I had hit the motherlode of future viewing and both myself and my loved ones were benefitting hugely. I began investing in gold and silver and today I have a business helping other people to do so. If you want to buy gold or silver proof coins or other collector's coins, I can certainly help you. I also sell gold and silver bullion bars on a "by order" basis.

I am still by no means rich, but I am secure. I have a food forest that provides most or all of my fruit and vege needs as well as eggs, milk and some meat. I own my own home outright and have an independent electrical supply. I have a massive non-grid water supply. In short, when the coming collapse happens, I'll probably survive.

Today, I was on the net and saw my "Flying Unicorn" blog advertised on Facebook.
Oh my God, the memories came flooding back!
I have decided to re-activate the blog, albeit with a slightly different emphasis. I am still interested in all things Pagan and Woo-woo, but now it is integrated with a bigger world view.

If anyone in the Geraldton, West Australia area wants help establishing themselves to survive the coming collapse, I am able to offer a consulting service on a wide range of topics from sustainable land management practises, off grid living and general survival strategies in a suburban context. Please note however that I am not a registered financial planner so I cannot provide investment advice. I am still doing my art and if you want to buy prints, tee shirts, coffee mugs etc, they can be purchased at
Of course, I can still also do tarot readings and birth charts.

Well, I'd better go now, but I'll be back!
Probably Tomorrow!
Until then, Blessed Be, Beloveds!


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